This app is an Android frontend for the services developed under the AFFECTS project ( It delivers near-realtime forecasts of Dst and Kp, Auroral oval position in the European sector, TEC above Europe, as well as custom alerts based on current L1 conditions, textual Presto alerts issued as conditions warrant, and daily URSIgram messages.Dst forecast:– Developed by the Space Research Institute, Kyiv, Ukraine.– The service shows the quicklook Dst from Kyoto WDC for Geomagnetism, as well as 1 to 4 hours forecasts.Kp forecast:– Developed by the Space Research Institute, Kyiv, Ukraine.– The service shows the quicklook Kp from GFZ Potsdam, as well as a 3 hours forecasts.L1 Alerts:– Developed by the University of Göttingen Institute of Astrophysics, Göttingen, Germany (custom thresholds by Space Research Institute, Kyiv, Ukraine).– The service provides realtime alerts on L1 parameters with custom thresholds.– The tab “L1 Alerts” shows the latest Solar wind and ap forecast plot.Realtime oval:– Developed by the Tromso Geophysical Observatory, University of Tromsø, Norway.– The service shows the auroral oval position in the European sector in real time.SIDC Presto:– Developed by the Royal Observatory of Belgium Solar Influences Data Center, Uccle, Belgium.– The service shows the latest Presto message issued by SIDC.SIDC URSIgram:– Developed by the Royal Observatory of Belgium Solar Influences Data Center, Uccle, Belgium.– The service shows the latest URSIgram message issued by SIDC.TEC Europe:– Developed by the German Aerospace Center (DLR) Institute of Communication and Navigation, Neustrelitz, Germany.– The service shows the nowcast and forecast TEC over Europe in real time.– This is a multi-layer service. To switch a layer, click on the layer name right above the map, then select the desired layer. Only one layer can be displayed at any time.– This service may take some time to be displayed (up to 10 seconds).